There are business majors in the Smeal College of Business and in other colleges. Use the Undergraduate Bulletin, Business interest area filter to see all of the business-oriented majors that are available.
Smeal College of Business Majors
Entrance to Major requirements:
Students must be in BA_PMAJ (Smeal Business pre-major) or the Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) to change into a Smeal major
Smeal College of Business majors require several specific courses to be completed (usually within the first four semesters) and GPA requirements. The GPA requirements vary depending on the major. Be sure to follow the requirements for the year that you begin at Penn State, as the requirements can change. The Undergraduate Bulletin Archive has previous years of Bulletins, so you can see the requirements for the year that you began at PSU.
The business-oriented majors in other colleges, such as the College of Liberal Arts, College of Health and Human Development, and Bellisario College of the Communications (and others) have different entrance to major requirements as compared to the Smeal requirements.
Business degrees can also be completed at some Commonwealth campuses.
BA 197 online one-credit class for students interested in a major in the Smeal College of Business - topics include; entrance to major requirements, major and career explorations, transitioning to University Park, and resources there. This course can be taken at any time during the first four semesters. Talk with your adviser about how to register.
BA 297 online 1 credit class in Career Planning and Strategies for students at Commonwealth Campuses
Information about transfer courses and courses not included toward a Smeal degree
Predict your GPA in the Smeal Entrance to Major courses